Darren Hanser – The Entire Email Profits Boot Camp
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Darren Hanser – The Entire Email Profits Boot Camp
Price: $297
Sale Page: hanserteam.leadpages.co/ac-replay/
Archive: archive.is/7Teg6
Hey Friend,
Do you want to bang out emails that convert into sales… on demand?
Do you hear benchmarks like “you should be making $1 per subscriber per month from your email list”?
Then you do the math in your head and realize you’re not making CLOSE to that?
With this logic — If your list has 5,000 subscribers — are you making $5,000/month?
If your list is 10,000 or 20,000 strong?
… Are you making $10,000 or $20,000 a month just by sending emails?
If you’re not (and I wouldn’t be surprised if you aren’t)…
This is the most important letter you’re going to read all year.
Because I’m going to share how to quickly and easily gain an unfair advantage no matter what you’re selling, even if you’ve never felt that breakthrough moment with your email marketing.
- THE ONE PROBLEM EMAIL WILL NOT FIX: If you’re using “proven” email principles, have a quality list and are still not getting sales? I can virtually guarantee you’re suffering from this profit-killing mistake. (Fix this fast… Module 3, Lesson 4)
- THE TRUTH ABOUT EMAIL STORY-TELLING: Does it really work? or is it a fad that’s run it’s course? See Module 3, Lesson 5.
- Why this weird 30 minute daily activity is the quickest, easiest method for your emails to reach the next level… resulting in more sales, customers and $$$ in your pocket!
- Why you should not feel guilty selling a LOT (and aggressively) to your list and how to wrap your pitches in intrigue, curiosity and entertainment which breaks down the BS meter and opens the flood-gates for sales.
- How to inject scarcity, urgency and rarity into your emails to command more sales… (you can do this even if there’s an unlimited supply of your product or service… …plus a quick response-booster that works for last-minute promos)
- When horrible writers are the perfect email marketers. Module 3.
- The absolute worst way to welcome your new leads to your list and a proven 7-step on boarding email flow that turns skeptical subscribers into loyal and trusting buyers.
- QUIZ: 100 people get your latest email. One decides to buy today and another waits a year. Why? (5 questions you must answer before your call to action.) Module 3.Keep reading.You’ll get this answer … and much more… inside…For now:
Just imagine yourself being part of an elite group of online entrepreneurs who are radically improving the results from their email lists (read: actually making money)…
These entrepreneurs already have access to this information and have gladly accepted the fact…
This knowledge is not cheap, and definitely not for everyone…
… and now in the next 10 minutes you can get access to the same knowledge I’ve only shared with private clients and high level masterminds who demand the most ethical sales, persuasion and conversion strategies available.
Now:Before we get into how you’ll start using these principles as soon as today…
Have You Ever
Noticed This?
You’re checking your email, scanning your spam folder and — if it looks anything like mine…
You find hundreds, even thousands of emails that promise the world…
And at the risk of not being crystal clear… this is NOT a business I support or teach.
So if you’re looking for the next black-hat trick or sneaky method for instant sales and riches then this is definitely NOT for you.
But what about the well-known slogan…
“The Money’s
In The _____”
(or is it?)
I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume you’ve been told “the money is in the list”
Am I right?
Well — this is only partly true.
In fact this is the main question I get when working with new clients who are struggling to turn their leads into sales.
They all want to me to pull a Jerry Maguire and SHOW THEM THE MONEY! ?
Truth be told, building an email list iscritical to your success as an online entrepreneur.
However it’s not everything.
So sure… building a list is important…
But it’s NOT where the money is.
I don’t have all the answers, and perhaps these “churn and burn” tactics work for some marketers better than others, but if you’d like to build a real business AND make a difference in people’s lives…
Getting on the INSIDE may be the EXACT place for you to finally get the RAW TRUTH about profiting with YOUR email list – warts ‘n’ all.
Here’s the deal…
… Where I’ll take you by the hand and walk you through a series of proven sales conversion principles, and…
- The odd (yet incredible) “Shibuya Viewpoint” that you can use to creates massive responsiveness from your list. (Module 1)
- The ONE SINGLE EMAIL that can produce more sales in the shortest amount of time… send this copy and paste email 15 minutes from now and see your inbox flooded with new inquiries as soon as tonight!
- Want to eliminate your toughest competition? Even make them irrelevant? Send this email in your first 3 days and they’re as good as gone.
- How a “skinny-fat” weight loss coach used an advanced (and surprisingly simple) strategy to connect with with his audience in a way they loved so much they started THROWING MONEY AT HIM!
- Why using audios, videos and live webinars in your marketing may be the BIGGEST MISTAKE you’re making unless you know THIS first.
- Want to eliminate your toughest competition? Even make them irrelevant? Send this email in your first 3 days and they’re as good as gone.
- How to use the “Social Gap Method” to convert sales with testimonials… even if you don’t have any… yet.
- When to engage in pillow talk with internet trolls and how this dirty habit could be the answer to your next winning email campaign (it works. you’ve gotta see this.)and…
- When being an a-hole is the perfect profit-boosting technique. (Module 3, Lesson 4)
- How to re-engage your existing email list and uncover your subscribers immediate problems, so that you can provide fast solutions and “engineer sales”
- How to use the worlds 6th largest website to ethically spy on your prospects so you can observe exactly what they’re saying about you and your competition…… more importantly HOW they’re saying it.HINT: Want product ideas and engaging offers that will sell FAST? Then this is for you!And when you couple this with…
- The “Pepsi vs. Coke” sales copy formula that turns internet trolls into your best source of product ideas (most of my personal emails come from this one tip)
- Tracking your open rates and click through rates is important, right? Wrong! Module 3 explains why.
- Just the tip: How to give away value that and attract buyers instead of freebie-seeking time-vampires.
- The amazing subject line factory that hands you attention-grabbing subject lines that get your emails OPENED…On the topic of subject lines…If you believe your subject is the most important part of getting your emails opened, think again.Truth is, there’s one part MORE important, because aside from being loud, resorting to hype and tricking your subscribers into opening your messages…The main goal is to be a welcome guest and that’s where you’ll use this, combined with…
- “TRUST BUILDING ON FIRE”: This is an age-old life insurance sales trick that puts you in the “long lost friend” category (rather than the salesperson slot) so you can turn a distant sales message into kind of a quick, casual, talk over coffee.
- Struggle to find new ideas to write about? What if your target audience could write emails FOR you?Lesson 4 in Module 1 reveals how to come up with interesting, engaging and SALES-GENERATING emails that immediately connect DEEP inside the mind of your subscriber (in fact, they’ll write your emails FOR you).
- Are you making this CRITICAL mistake in your marketing? If you are (I was only 3 years ago) — you’re losing 85% of your sales… Lesson 3 in Module 1 will help you fix this TODAY.
- IS THIS LEGAL? I couldn’t believe it, but this website gives you virtually unlimited data on what your audience reads and watches, who they listen to and even how likely they are to buy from you! (if you’ve ever wanted the “inside-track”, this is as close as it gets)
As you can see there’s a LOT covered.
Anyway, here’s the deal:
Now:If you’ve decided this is for you, the second you click the yellow button, enter your regular details and place your order…
- You’ll learn the art of finding, connecting and converting your audience in to sales…
- You’ll quickly, easily and effortlessly come up with new angles and approaches to your message which I guarantee you’ve been overlooking in your marketing…
- You’ll have the words to position yourself as a trusted AUTHORITY, which makes your subscribers buy immediately and repeatedly…
- PLUS… you’re now in control of your business once and for all – not relying on anyone to sell for you — you’ll be the one in command and in demand.So right now, click the button below, enter your regular details and get started…
“15 Minute Emails
That SELL”
Still Want More?
Check this out:
By reaching out to a few close friends, I’ve been able to secure these special access bonuses and unique content.
NOTICE: Access to these special bonus modules is ONLY available as a paying Email Profits Boot Camp member — as my GIFT to you.
You’ll never find these for sale separately and are not a part of any other training programs you can go buy:
Here’s what you’ll get:
(BONUS) #1: The complete Email Profits curriculum ($197 Value):
You’ll receive 2 of my highly coveted email swipe files PLUS a private 93-minute bonus workshop where I took my clients by the hand and showed them HOW to properly use a swipe file for maximum impact and profits.
If you’re not sure what a swipe file is, it’s a collection of ads, emails, sales copy that has worked and pulled profits. They are great for inspiration and ideas to pull from.
I’ve taken my original course and swipe file off the market and it’s ONLY available here as a bonus.
This swipe file works perfectly when integrated with…
(BONUS) #2: “Audience Connection Secrets” ($127 Value)
One of my close friends is a top blogging and social connection expert who’s agreed to reveal the top DEEP connection principles. These are principles that you must use in order to create lasting, long-term and PROFITABLE relationships with your following.
In this special session, she outlines HOW to do this rather than just theory and feel-good connection fluff
As you likely know, one of the BEST ways to connect is through story-telling. So, we’re including a special session called:
(BONUS) #3: “Rapid Story-Selling Revealed” ($267 Value)
If you think you’ve heard everything about crafting a story and making it SELL?
Think again.
This jam-packed session includes more jaw-to-the-floor content than most $1,000 programs. Use this information to easily 2X your conversions.
Oh, we’re adding more and more as time goes on, so this is just a small preview.
If you’re ready, click the button and get started:
Yes Darren! I’d Like To Get Immediate Access To Your Email Profits Boot Camp Plus Over $591 In Free Bonuses Right Now For Only $297!
See you inside,
Darren Hanser
P.S. The guarantee!
When you claim your copy of the Email Profits Boot Camp training program, you have a full 30 days to decide whether or not you want to keep the program, or cancel your access for a full refund.
Meaning – you get the entire program…
And if for ANY reason, you decide the program doesn’t work for you?
Simply shoot me an email for a full, prompt refund…
All I ask is this:
Go through each module, apply the training and use the strategies for at LEAST 90 days before judging your success.
I don’t believe in get rich quick schemes and overnight riches.
When you’re building a list and converting sales the way I teach you’ll be building a long-lasting business that’ll feed you for YEARS to come.
That’s why I ask that if you believe you may be “dipping your toes” in the water and want to just “see what’s behind the curtain”…
Please leave this for now and come back when you’re ready.
But if you’re serious and you’re going to give it a real effort?
Then you have my no questions asked and no hassles guarantee in YOUR favor.
Click HERE to Get Inside The Email Profits Boot Camp Right Now
Lastly, if you still have an unanswered question, my best advice to you is this:
Because this entire package is backed by that 100% Rock Solid Guarantee…
Don’t decide if this program is right for you today.
Instead, claim your access while it’s still available at this special $297 price, using the link below:
Get Access for just $297
It’s really as simple as that ?
Once again, use the button below to take advantage of the exclusive, risk-free $297 Email Profits Boot Camp and get started on this TODAY before the price goes up!
Victoria Phillips (verified owner) –
The course was engaging and easy to follow.
Stephanie Hayes (verified owner) –
I enjoyed the hands-on approach of this course.
Adam Rogers (verified owner) –
I feel more prepared for my career after taking this course.
Daniel Garcia (verified owner) –
I appreciated the real-world examples included in the course.