Kenji Kumara – Spheres of Heavenly Light
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Spheres of Heavenly Light
Move Your Awareness Effortlessly Into the Quantum Field of Possibilities Automatically

The 3 Ps: Possibilities, Potentials and Parallel Realities
Re-framing Your Destiny Pattern
Transcendance in the Physical World
Relief from anxiety, worry and depression
Shifting of physical symptoms -
Expressing through Joy and Appreciation
Enhanced awareness of “stuff” -
Greater inner peace and well-beingness
Miracles, and much more ……..
Weaved in this special offer are treasures of newly created content, 13 activation recordings, intended for your own downloadable library to be listened to again and again in divine right timing.
With the talent and the humility Kenji is known for, and many of his listeners adore, Kenji naturally reaches higher and deeper states of consciousness and seamlessly bridges the realms simultaneously within us, without the curves or pressures of being taught. If you are anything like Winston you will really appreciate Kenji in this series.
“Personally, I’m always ready to learn, although I do no always like being taught.” ~Winston Churchill
Kenji’s masterful teachings are humble, easy, effortless, and gentle, and they support you in having the easiest role of effortless learning and deep receiving. Kenji is remarkably generous as he hands over all the keys, and all the tools in steps, and stages as you achieve, conceive and receive. The activations consist of pure essence and are offered as transmissions- that’s the Quantum magic. There are no lesson plans, processes or rules, there is however sharing, involvement, giving, receiving and allowing. You get all he has, all he has ever had, while you add the light and life force. Simply, by being present receive with intention and knowing that you are the knowledge, the leader in your next steps to the heavenly realms. You are the sphere of heavenly light, activating, and awakening the dormant parts within yourself.
It’s here you are bathed in the magnificent loving light, and energies merge on many levels. It is here, based on your foundation of faith, trust and allowance, the shifts and miracles happen, transformations occur, positive change take place and anything else you’re truly yearning for are placed in your pathway, for you to receive a new style of easy and graceful living.
Quantum Lightweaving Impulses move out and then return again from the earth, the mountains the sun, Kenji then directs these energies to stimulate the areas in your brain that are activated and bring forth divine balance within self. Enjoy 10 Activations and 3 Bonus Activations for a total of over 6-hours and transform your reality into that of heavenly joy and share in the awakening of the world.
“Detach from your emotional body, your pain body your intellect and tribal consciousness and take a deep breath. As you completely detach, you move your Awareness into the Quantum Automatically”~ Kenji
*Exclusively through Wellness Revolution*
The most illuminating experience of the soul gets folded into time and space. And what comes forth from this new creation is New Earth Pathway called “Your Destiny”.
“This is the divine reset into the realm of freedom, into the realm of unconditional love and allowance, into the realm where man, angels, fairies, and the unseen are all connected and joining together for the benefit of all.”
Where angels and masters walk upon this new earth, where mankind walks with the animals and talks with mountains. This is a realm who’s basic foundation is eternal peace and who’s driving force is unconditional love and who’s destiny is, know thyself.” ~ Kenji
Track 1: Pure Possibilities
From the lord god of our beings we are designed to be and manifest naturally; take a deep breath and enter into this Introductory Activation (1 of 10) referred to as a Personal Divine Energy Recalibration.
The white eagle expansion
The buffalo invite
Angel Portal
A quantum co creation of perfect divine balance
Destiny Intention
Track 2: Illuminated Potentials
In this Quantum Activation, Kenji transmits the ability to you, to offer QL healing to yourself and others with ease, using QL and the sacred chamber of the soul (Your quantum gateway).
Begin with a Magnetic Initiation from Earth Mother. It is not important to know process it is however important for you to receive the knowing that you have all of the abilities that Kenji has and uses to work with the other realms for healing, prosperity and abundance and continued light and consciousness.
The Protocol: Invoke the pillars of light and the council of 14, invite you Guardian Angel and your inner child, activate the brain and the light to penetrate into the nerves and tissues. Along with the great central sun and the breath this all encompassing meditation opens, clears and shifts this and more:rom the lord god of our beings we are designed to be and manifest naturally; take a deep breath and enter into this Introductory Activation (1 of 10) referred to as a Personal Divine Energy Recalibration.
Ancient Memory Release
Nothing and Everything
Divine balance and harmony
Connection to your Council
Gentle Wind Spirit
Track 3: Grand Gateway
In this Initiation Activation, you are guided deep through the essence of the mountains into the spirit/body into the earth. Arch Angel Mi-cha-el and his legion of angels surround, help assist and facilitate your next step, your next level of evolution. Done through deep stillness and silence, imagine each cell of your body like a rock, have you always been here have you never been before? Kenji challenges you to breath as a mountain and feel the essence of nature and life and receive a quantum leap into the evolution of health and well being.
Earth Breath as one
Detox; allow your lungs to align with the natural essence of the trees
Embrace within the essence of the lakes, breath in the life force, the blood of the mountains
Delve deep into mountain region and discover the richness offered to your life-force energy
Sunset power and soul connections
Track 4: Hall of Records
Quantum Council Meeting & You’re Invited
As in any mutual agreement this involves free will. Kenji leads a Quantum Council Meeting in which your presence was requested; and an amendment to your earth contract presented for those ready to accept it. This meeting, available by invitation only, was presented for the group attending the first Lake Louise retreat in June 2014.
If you are listening, there is no mistake that this offer is open to you also. In this activation you have the choice to hand over your earth agreement to the high council, allowing you to proceed to the “next level” so to speak. Do this knowing you have received all the wisdom from, that of, your earthly humanity contract.
Earth and Humanity Contract
Free Will
Free Choice
Still point
Hall of records council board meeting
Track 5: Quantum Grand View
Kenji helps shine the light in a thorough body cleanse and release as you flow in and as the quantum awareness inside the collective unconscious storehouse of your lineage. As you disconnect, relax into a conscious theta, delta, and Gamma brainwave rhythms and stimulate the pineal, pituitary and thalamus glands. Receive the assisting energies and move through the tree of life as the voyager, participate in a self assessment and reveal of historical patterns effecting your lineage.

Divine assistance and support from your Soul Group
Support from the Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods of light
Symbolic Family and Tree of Life
Awareness of unconscious unconsciousness
Grand view of the over soul
Track 6: One Spirit One Heart
Ancient ones are called forth to breathe through the layers of consciousness with you. Simply be with this activation and experience…
Rainbow Colors
Breath of Clarity
Balance and Harmony
Knowing and Being
Infinity Flow, Hues and Vibrations
Track 7 & 8: Within Oneness
Kenji guides you to be a clear and perfect channel. Relax from head to toe with the spirals and wavelets of light and energy in and around your body.
Telomeres Templates
Genesis Codes
Soul connections
Functional Stability
Clarity and Synthesized organization
Track 9: Mountainous Fields of Glory (QL Initiation Activation)
Breath in the activations that come before this one and experience integrating them with divine balance. Tap into the pillars of light in this attunement as Kenji aligns you with the colors, sounds, shapes, and texture and energy flows initiating you in QL within the quantum . The four pillar vibrations are distinct and experiencing them one at a time is as unique as your experience with them. With your knowing, experience the familiar energy and consciousness as it relates to your energy field and your flow. The Activations, offered to you as downloads, are streamed within you, infusing the Quantum Lightweaving abilities that support the wave, the rebirthing experience, time travel, cocooning, kinetics and downloads and more..
Protocol details
QL Processes/Downloads
Gamma Ray Pathways
Heart Center Pathways
Genesis Code Amplification
Track 10: New Earth Realms of Destiny
Breathe in relaxation, awareness and light as Kenji prepares you and your body expanded capacity to embody light frequencies and access and comprehend beyond time and space.
Octahedron of light
Reset; Destiny Codes
Activate body power points
Human Condition timeline review
Improved Organ Function
Track 11: Effervescent Being on Heaven and Earth
In this attunement, Kenji brings you fully into the here and now. As you do this you will amplify the pulsing heavenly light energies, opening you to receive balance and harmony in your life.
Pulsating Oneness
Advanced Downloading
Automatic Calibration for grounding
Adjustment, prosperity abundance flow
Infinity sign power flow
Track 12: Quantum Expedition
Experience a Quantum Clearing and Alignment, supported by the heavenly realms of constellations, athe great masters, brothers and sisterhoods of light, the enlightened realms of inner earth as they are all called forward in this activation. Simultaneously, receive, shift and facilitate in the quantum with your knowing and Kenji’s guidance – access the deep core of your consciousness with ease and grace.

Still point entry
Etheric Wave Experience
Deep emotional purge
Self Healer
Astral Rebirth
Delivery Method
– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from imcourse.net.
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).
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Emily Johnson (verified owner) –
This course provided a solid foundation for further learning.
Patrick Ross (verified owner) –
I learned so much from this course. The instructor’s knowledge is impressive.
Joshua Wilson (verified owner) –
The instructor was very engaging and knowledgeable.
Joshua Collins (verified owner) –
I enjoyed the hands-on approach to learning.
Aiden (verified owner) –
I feel more confident in my skills after taking this course.
Nicholas Perez (verified owner) –
A valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their skills.