
Louis Burleson – The List Formula

(6 customer reviews)

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The List Formula

You’ve been lied to…The money is NOT in the list!

“Discover How To Build Your Own Enormous List Of BUYERS Without A Web Site, Product Of Your Own, Or Even JV Partners!” 

That’s right, the money is in the BUYERS and you’re about to have more than you can handle! 

From: Louis Burleson

RE: The List Formula

Seth Godin, arguably the greatest marketer of our generation, says in his book, The Big Moo, “The Fast Rising Stars Are Those Who Question Authority And Refuse To Do What’s Been Done Before.”

Question and do something different…hmm. Kind of a funny thought given that we’re always being told, “The money is in the list”…and it really is not.

No, the money is NOT in the list. 

The money is in the BUYERS

And with The List Formula as your weapon of choice you’re gonna be completely different because you won’t just be building any old list

You’ll be building a list of ravenous buyers, hungry for whatever you have to offer them.

Imagine for a second:

Sending just 1 email, going out of town for 48 hours and coming home to over $2000 dollars in your account.

Leaving for 2 days to take a little vacation and coming home to an extra 400 plus buyers on your list.

Being able to replicate this over and over again to build a powerful list of buyers and a steady stream of fat paydays.

Sound like some kind of fantasy?…not even close!

“The List Formula”

The List Formula generates lists of buyers.

Quickly…easily…and inexpensively.

With The List Formula you will be getting everything you need…the EXACT same tools that I use…to build your own insanely profitable list of buyers.

Get download Louis Burleson – The List Formula at Forimc.com right now!

Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20070113165951/http://www.thelistformula.com/

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